Monday, 15 March 2010

liz again

Rebel pensioner: I'd be a fool to pay council tax

An 84-year-old woman is due back in court this week after again refusing to pay her full council tax.
Asked today whether she would ever be prepared to pay the full sums, Elizabeth Winkfield said :"If I give way now I will look a fool, won't I?
"I am not going to volunteer to pay."
The grey-haired 4ft 10in rebel is set to appear before magistrates on Thursday in Barnstaple, north Devon, over £128.58 she owes for her 2004-05 council tax.
Miss Winkfield, who lives alone in her Band C bungalow in Westward Ho!, is still being pursued by bailiffs for the £172.90 she owes after failing to pay her full 2003-04 bill from Torridge district council.
That outstanding sum includes sums for bailffs and summons costs.
'Too old to worry'
Miss Winkfield said today she was prepared to go to prison, adding: "I am too old to worry about it that much."
As for Chancellor Gordon Brown's Budget announcement of a one-off £200 payment for pensioners to help with council tax bills, she said: "It is a sop. He just wants people to vote for him."
Her protest began two years ago when her council tax rose by £114 to £747 and she paid the council just an extra 2.5% to meet inflation.
When her council tax rose by 6% to £793 for 2004-05 she again paid the council only extra 2.5% for inflation.
The pensioner's council tax bill for the 12 months to March next year is set to rise by 3.8%.
After her first court appearance, Miss Winkfield was critical of the way the Government "poured money down the drain" and gave millions a year to the EC.
"I would not pay the bill if I was a millionaire, and I am not refusing because I cannot afford it. I am making a stand because it is iniquitous," she said.
Miss Winkfield will be supported on Thursday by members of the Devon Pensioners' Action Forum, which has been campaigning for council tax reform.
Chairman Albert Venison said today: "We will have as many people there as possible."

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